Let's Talk

This course is for you:

  •  The new mom feeling disconnected from herself and adjusting to her new identity;

  • the executive who’s burnt out but still pushes through because he doesn’t know how to stop;

  •  the woman who prioritizes everyone else’s needs above her own;

  •  the professional who’s doing everything “right”, yet still feels lonely and struggles to find joy and meaning;

  • the entrepreneur exhausted and overwhelmed by their never-ending To-do list;

  • the person at a crossroads between jobs, relationships, or grieving a loss;

  • the individual who is ready to refocus on their health - body, mind and soul;

  • the adult who's adulting so hard you've lost yourself in the process.

I see you.

You're not alone. 

Your journey to inner peace starts here. 

The story of why I created this course for you: 


Working on Wall Street was a dream come true, yet I had never felt more alienated from myself. 

I worked long hours in a competitive environment amid the worst financial crisis of my lifetime in a city far from my family and my friends. I woke up before the sun rose and left work after it had set, which meant very few hours of sunlight. Thousands of miles from my support system, I felt alone, and it was the perfect storm for a breakdown.

I left NYC and returned to my parents' house on the Ivory Coast. I let myself rest for the first time: no job, no deadlines, no need to prove myself to anyone. It was like coming up for air after holding my breath underwater for too long. 

Years later, I look back on that painful time with overwhelming gratitude. It was life-changing.

And it inspired me to create this online yoga and meditation course for you - the course I wish I could have done years ago when I worked on Wall Street before I went on leave and burnout.

It's an honour to guide you on your journey home. 

What's included:

  • Ten 60-minute yoga classes
  • Ten 10-15 minute guided meditations
  • Prerecorded talk: Nancy's top three tips (beyond yoga!) for burnout recovery
  • Live 60-minute online seminar and Q&A to stay consistent on your journey Home (January 26, 2025, 4-5 pm, EST), plus access to the recording
  • Access to The Journey Home community
  • Bonus meditation and journaling prompt to explore personal freedom

Each yoga class and meditation is professionally recorded and intentionally designed. You'll explore themes like resilience, loving-kindness, grounding, transformation, and the cultivation of joy. 

Do the practices sincerely and consistently, and you’ll feel:

  • More secure
  • Joyful
  • Healthier
  • Equipped with new habits to sustain you through whatever life throws your way!

Whether you're returning Home or going Home for the first time in your adult life, I’m honoured to be your guide.

A value of $450.

Yours for only $225 + taxes until December 31st, 2024!

Buy Now

What people are saying about Nancy:

"Nancy is an incredible yoga teacher and a pleasure to work with. She truly cares about everyone and prides herself on the experience she provides to her students. It’s always a pleasure being around Nancy."

—Brandon, The Grove Campus

"Nancy is an exceptional teacher who has significantly influenced my path toward self-discovery. Each class and discussion leaves me feeling inspired and empowered to take meaningful positive action."


"Nancy is super professional, an excellent yoga teacher, punctual and deserves to be recognized! I highly recommend his services, especially if you are a business looking for qualified instructors."



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